End of core training at boxing and I’m still smiling and happy.
More Activity.
The number one reason I think I’ve aged vibrantly? Because I move more and make being physically active part of my lifestyle.
More physical activity helps me sleep better, have a more positive daily mindset, controls my blood pressure and cholesterol. Allows me to have more stamina and energy daily. Helps prevent injuries and falls – or speeds healing when I do fall or get injured. Activity and movement just keeps me healthier overall. And sure, it contributes to maintaining a healthy weight, but it does so much more.
My husband Jeff says “most people avoid getting more steps, you figure out how you can ADD more steps!” Like taking folded dish towels to the kitchen downstairs, from the laundry room upstairs, in six runs rather than one. Doing jumping jacks, arm circles, squats, planks or push-ups while waiting for my tea water to heat. Walking up/down every aisle in the supermarket even if I don’t need something in that aisle. Putting something away upstairs NOW instead of “waiting until I go up later.” More Movement in very minimal time.

Trainer Ted from Title teaching me proper push-up form so I can do them at home. Properly.
Generally, I’m just a fast walker, outpacing 99% of my friends and family when getting from point A to point B.
My brother Kerry says I’m like the energizer bunny.
I love super-fast walking outside whether-permitting, or doing the elliptical or arc trainer at the Y when it’s raining/snowing/sub-zero. I’ll even do some type of weight training once a week to help ward off that aging muscle mass loss.

Practicing upper cuts.
But I’ve added something new to my repertoire of activity. Boxing classes at Title Boxing Gym several times a week since April 2016. Not just because of the music (high energy hip-hop, rap type which I love). But because I have to consistently challenge myself. Fifteen minutes of warm-up exercise, 30 minutes of boxing, ending with 15 minutes of core. It’s agonizing at times, but I refuse to give up.
Because the body-mind benefits of activity/movement/exercise FAR outweigh the temporary agony.
Here’s to inspiration for moving more and aging vibrantly! Stay in touch at my Facebook page.

Practicing jabs. I may be right-handed, but I prefer southpaw.